Sporting Arrows
by Laporte
Laporte Phoenix Sporting Arrows can be used in place of Sporting Clays..

                                                  There is NO NOISE, NO SAFETY ISSUES,
                                                              NO POLLUTION,  SMALLER AREA

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With Sporting Arrows we need to rethink the terrain; Although there is NO pollution, we need to collect the arrows and targets - a bit hard to do in the woods, but a lot easier in a clearing or dessert landscape. The foam targets are more restrictive than  clay pigeons, and have to be launched so as to fall where they can be collected and re-used.  Sporting Arrows courses will require some careful thought and planning..... A new design concept.

Because Sporting Arrows leaves no polution, there are no EPA issues with setting up a course.  There is no noise, no lead, no broken targets, no shotgun shell cases or wads.






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